Month: February 2022

What is a Patentability Opinion?

A patentability opinion is an invaluable asset for inventors interested in taking the next step after ordering a Search Report. That is, filing a patent application for their invention. The relevant patent documents that were listed in the Search Report are reviewed and compared with the important features of the invention. The patentability opinion advises as to the likelihood of obtaining a patent based on the results of the Search.

It is important to understand that the patentability opinion relates only to the results of the Search, and not to any other prior art, known or unknown. Therefore, in the event that, based on the results of the Search, the invention appears to be patentable, any initiatives taken should only relate to the process of patenting the invention as you can see from how to patent an idea with InventHelp.

The patentability of the invention does not necessarily mean that other initiatives, such as building a prototype of the invention or performing any commercial activities including marketing the invention, should be taken.

What does the Search Report include?

The search report includes the following items:

1. Search Report letter

-a listing of the databases searched
-a listing of the keywords and search terms utilized to carry out the search
-a listing the most relevant patent documents found in the search results

2. Relevant Documents

-either full text or abstracts of relevant patent documents, depending on availability.

You can continue reading about patents and patenting process on patent my invention through InventHelp article.

Homes for Rent to Own

Rent-to-own homes are a fantastic option for those who want to buy a home in Michigan but don’t have the funds available right away. Rent-to-own homes require you to pay a portion of your monthly rent until the entire mortgage balance is paid off.

If you plan on staying at this Michigan rent to own property for an extended period of time, this can help you save money. You might even be eligible for a lower interest rate than with a traditional loan.

Home Equity Loans

Home equity loans, like credit cards, allow you to borrow against the value of your home. They are used to improve the property by performing necessary repairs and upgrades. These types of loans are secured by your home and require you to put down 10% – 20% of the total loan amount.

Refinancing Your Mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage entails obtaining a new loan to replace your existing one. When you refinance your mortgage, you may be able to lower your interest rates and shorten the term of your loan. There are, however, some risks to refinancing your mortgage. Before making any decisions, make sure to compare multiple lenders and their offers.

Satellite Television System


Television is a great way to keep up-to-date with current events around the world. It can provide information about news, sports, weather, entertainment, and much more. There are many different types of satellite television systems that range from basic cable to high definition. Some people prefer watching television through their computer while others enjoy watching television through their mobile device. Regardless of what type of television you choose to watch, it is important to make sure that your television has a strong signal. If you live in an area where reception is poor, it may not be possible to receive any signals at all.

Satellite Dish

A satellite dish is a large antenna used to pick up signals from satellites orbiting the earth. Satellites broadcast programs to televisions across the globe. A satellite dish allows you to view these signals without having to rely on a traditional cable provider. You simply place the dish on top of your roof and point it towards the sky. In South Africa DSTV is the major provider.

DSTV Television

DSTV (Direct-to-viewer) is a satellite based service that allows viewers to watch live TV channels from around the world. It was launched in South Africa in 1995 and has since expanded to cover over 50 countries worldwide. DSTV offers two services; DStv Premium and DStv Basic. DStv Premium gives access to premium content including movies, sports, music, news, documentaries, etc. while DStv Basic provides access to local content only. There are professional DSTV installation services for installation of the system. The DSTV installation cost depends on a lot of factors, so it would be best to contact the installers first.

Cable TV

Cable television is a service offered by some television providers that allows subscribers to access hundreds of channels of programming. Most cable services offer both analog and digital television. Analog television transmits video using an electronic signal that resembles radio waves. Digital television uses a series of numbers called “bits” to represent each image frame. This method of transmission provides better picture quality than analog television.

The Patenting from Filing an Application to the Granting

Opening a file: upon receipt of a patent application, if all required documents are provided and are in good order, and the correct fee is remitted, a file is opened, a filing date is established, and an application number is assigned. A filing certificate is issued within four weeks of receipt of the application.

Classification: the application is classified according to the international patent classification (IPC).

Publication: eighteen months after the date of filing, a patent application is made available to public inspection in the Patent Office search and on CIPO’s website as described on how to get a patent with InventHelp article.

Examination: within five years of the filing date, a formal request for examination must be made, and the prescribed examination fee remitted. This request is typically included with the application, and if so, it is acknowledged in the filing certificate. Normally, within two years of the request, examination of the application commences to determine whether it complies with the patentability requirements as stated in the Patent Act and the Patent Rules.

Publication: eighteen months after filing an application (or earlier, on special request) it is “laid open” for public inspection. This allows the public access to application materials, and an opportunity to raise challenges to the validity of an application.

The patenting process, from filing an application to the granting of a patent, typically takes two to three years. Hiring professionals, such as InventHelp, to help you is recommended as the process is not simple.