Proper care of farm equipment is very important. However, some people fail to realize the importance of taking care of things. Here is important information on proper care of your valuable equipment.
Proper maintenance is important for many different reasons. One thing that is often overlooked, is changing the motor oil. In cars, it is very easy to know when it has been three to five thousand miles (or 5 to 8,000 kilometers). However, larger tractors and machines do not have odometers. They may have hour meters, and these are very important.
Hour meters are used where miles or kilometers do not matter. It may be difficult to put a 100 miles or 160 kilometers on a tractor. However you can put one hundred hours on one in a month or two. It is important to know how many hours you should go between oil changes and maintenance. The best thing to do, is check with the manufacturer recommendations.
Air filter changes may be even more important than oil changes. They are much more important than your car, as a tractor, loader, backhoe, or other machinery, may see frequent dusty conditions. It is important to check air filters before the recommended hours. Dust and dirt can easily clog an air filter, and this can have a huge effect on the fuel usage.
When air filters become clogged, the fuel system will receive a richer mixture of fuel. This is due to the fact that less air can enter the fuel system. When this happens, your fuel usage increases considerably. Not only that, a rich fuel mixture can cause the motor to run rough. It may also foul out spark plugs long before it is time to change them.
If you have machinery that does not see frequent use, it may be best to check the air filter before each use. This involves more time and work, but it can save you a lot of fuel. It may also help to keep your machinery running smoothly.

Tune ups are also very important for your machinery. This is especially true of items like tractors and transportation vehicles. The motors have fewer cylinders than most cars. The fewer cylinders that a motor has, the more revolutions it must make. This means that the spark plugs are firing much more often. When this happens, they receive a great deal of wear.
A small tractor or mower may have a single cylinder motor. It is very important to change the spark plug often. This will keep it running smoothly and it will save a lot of money on fuel.
Mower blades will work much more efficiently if they are sharp. It is sometimes a lot of work to remove the blades and sharpen them. However, this can save time and money. You will not have to mow as often if your blades are sharp. If you do not have the equipment to sharpen blades, take them somewhere for sharpening. Do not try to sharpen them with a stone. Blades need to be properly sharpened and balanced to perform well.
Sharpening is important for other equipment too. Any kind of plowing or cutting machinery will work better, if they have sharpened cutting surfaces. It may also make your job much easier.
Keeping it Clean
It is also important to clean your machinery on a regular basis. This can help to keep rust and corrosion from causing problems. Painted parts can easily be treated with wax. You may do this for your car, and there is no reason not to do this for your valuable machinery.
Protection from the Elements
Check roofs in sheds and barns on a regular basis. If they develop leaks, it is important to fix them as soon as possible. When machinery gets wet, it is very easy for it to rust and corrode. Try to keep everything as dry as possible. Also, damp area may attract insects, rodents, or snakes, so you may have a safer storage area, if it stays dry.
If you take proper care of your farm equipment, it will serve you longer and more efficiently. Pay attention to hour meters and change oil when necessary. Make sure that you check air filters as often as you can. This can save a lot of money on fuel. Keep your machinery tuned up to save money, and wear and tear. Make sure that things like mowing blades and plows stay sharp. Keep your machinery clean and free from the elements. Inspect the roofs of barns and sheds on a regular basis.