If you want to change your transponder key code in your vehicle for whatever reason you will need to know some basic facts about them. The more you know the more you can shop wisely if you need to program a replacement transponder key. While most of the older type vehicles do not have the transponder keys the more modern vehicles do and that is what takes so long. How do you know if you have a transponder key? Most of them have a thick black shell over the top head of the key. This doesn’t always indicate a transponder key but more times then not it does.
A transponder key is blank before it is programmed. It cannot work to start a car until it has been programmed. When beginning the process of programming the key it can take up to thirty minutes to create. When you are reprogramming a transponder key the electronics in the car will reset to match the new car keys.
There is a microchip inside the transponder key, toward the top. This microchip will have a serial number that is unique and not duplicated anywhere. The ECU, or engine control unit, will ask for validation of the serial number but if the serial number does not match the serial number already programmed in the car then the car will not start up.
Car keys get lost all the time and to avoid not being able to start your car always make sure you have two keys – visit for getting key made for car.
If you purchase a car from a car dealership make sure they give you two keys. If you buy a car from a private seller and they only have one key with the vehicle you may want to take it to a car dealership to have them reset the car key so you can obtain two new keys. You never know what that private seller has done with the key that he or she lost.
Programming a key is hard to do and some auto manufacturers as well as insurance companies have determined that cars that have transponder keys are less likely to be stolen unless the owner leaves the keys inside the car. When an insurance company receives a claim regarding theft on a car that has transponder keys they are beginning to refuse claims due to the fact that it is least likely to have a car stolen unless it was the fault of the driver.
There have been known cases of thieves getting around the transponder. When a car manufacturer makes a car they do not want to release the car key codes to anyone in case of theft, but in some cases they have to in order to access the vehicle. A person requesting a key must receive authorization before granted permission to have the transponder key codes to access the cars.
It is because transponder keys are difficult to find there are only certain machines that make them and only certain locksmiths have a machine available. If you are looking for a reliable transponder spare key, locksmiths can help you as they have the machines needed to make transponder keys.